新东方网整理2021-05-04 14:38
It just so happened that Pandora also wanted to try some honey. As a result, they decided to have a little competition to see who could eat some honey before sunset.
正好呆萌象 Pandora 也想尝一尝甜甜的蜂蜜,于是他们决定比一比谁能够在天黑前先吃到蜂蜜。
Pandora seemed to be in no hurry to find herself some honey, and went about her business picking flowers.
这一边,Pandora 并没有急着去找蜂蜜,而是慢悠悠地摘起了鲜花。
Jimmy, however, quickly found where the bees were. Many of them were waiting in a long line to bring the nectar back to their hive to make honey.
而另一边 Jimmy 很快就在 Happy Forest 里面找到了蜜蜂们的家,许许多多的小蜜蜂正在排着长队,将采摘来的蜂蜜放进家中。
Jimmy sniffed for the smell of the sweet honey he was searching for, and finally got a whiff of it. He was very excited, and pulled down the entire beehive from the tree.
Jimmy 努了努鼻子,蜂蜜浓浓的香味便钻入他的鼻中。他兴奋极了,走上前去直接抢下了树上的蜂巢。
This scared the poor bees, and they flew out of their home. Jimmy himself also became very scared, so he tossed the beehive to the side and ran, but the bees discovered him and flew after him.
这可把蜜蜂们吓坏了,它们全部从家中飞了出来。Jimmy 也吓坏了,他扔下蜂巢就跑,可是蜜蜂们很快就发现了他,紧紧地追着他不放。
In the end, not only did Jimmy not get any honey, but he was stung many times. All he could do was go home sad and in pain.
最终,Jimmy 非但没有吃到蜂蜜,还被蜇了一身的包,只好灰头土脸地回家了。
Once he got home, Jimmy saw Pandora waiting for him and holding a jar of honey, with a smile on her face. Jimmy was astonished, and he curiously asked Pandora why the bees didn’t sting her.
走到家门口,Jimmy 就看见 Pandora 正捧着一罐蜂蜜,笑容满面地等着他。Jimmy 震惊了,他好奇地询问 Pandora 为什么蜜蜂们没有蜇她。
Pandora answered him, “I picked flowers all morning, and then gave them to the bees. We exchanged the results of all of our hard work, so of course they wouldn’t sting me. They thanked me!”
Pandora 回答道:“我采摘了一上午的鲜花,和蜜蜂交换他们的劳动成果,蜜蜂们当然不会蜇我啦。相反,它们还很感谢我呢。”
After listening to Pandora, Jimmy felt her method was best. He regretted very much his decision to rush to get his hands on the honey.
听完 Pandora 的方法,Jimmy 觉得自己输得心服口服。而且,他非常后悔自己硬抢蜜蜂们劳动成果的行为。
Jimmy decided to go apologize to the bees, and helped them rebuild their hive.
Jimmy 决定现在就去找蜜蜂们道歉,并且把它们的家重新安放好。