

新东方网整理2021-05-04 14:40


  At the end of class one day, Teacher Rolin the owl announced to everyone the news about the field trip.

  原来放学的时候,猫头鹰老师 Rolin 向大家宣布了郊游的消息,Jimmy 第一时间就举起了双手。虽然 Rolin 老师还提出了要求,只有能够照顾好自己的同学才能参加,不过 Jimmy 觉得自己完全没问题。

  After waiting in expectation, the day of the trip had finally arrived. He was prepared very early in the morning, with his backpack that his mother prepared for him, ready to leave.

  翘首以盼,Jimmy 终于等到了郊游的这一天,他早早地就背上了妈妈为他整理好的书包,和大家一起出发了。

  When they arrived, everyone began catching butterflies, playing hide-and-seek, or picking flowers. But it of course had to come to an end, and everyone began to pack their bags to leave.


  Suddenly, though, Jimmy let out a gasp. His classmates quickly came to him, and they discovered that the zipper on his backpack seemed to be broken. It wouldn’t budge. What was odd was that just that morning, it was working fine.

  突然,Jimmy “哇”地一声大哭起来。小伙伴们赶忙围上来,才发现他书包的拉链怎么都拉不上了,可是奇怪的是,来的时候明明所有的东西都已经装进去了。

  At this time, Teacher Rolin walked over and opened Jimmy’s backpack. It was a mess inside, crammed full of Jimmy’s things. Teacher Rolin shook her head and said, “It seems you can’t take care of yourself very well.”

  这时,Rolin 老师走了过来,打开 Jimmy 的书包,里面乱七八糟地被塞得满满的,她摇了摇头说道:“看来你好像并不能好好地照顾自己哦!”

  Teacher Rolin helped Jimmy organize all his things, and put them neatly back in his bag, and immediately the zipper was working again. Jimmy lowered his head in embarrassment.

  一边说着,Rolin 老师一边帮 Jimmy 把所有的东西都整理好,再整整齐齐地放进书包,书包的拉链一下子就拉上了,Jimmy 羞愧地低下了头。

  Once he got home, it was like Jimmy had become a different person. He’d learned not only to organize his room, but could even wash clothes on his own.

  回到家后,Jimmy 像变了个人似的,变得勤快多啦,他不仅学会了整理房间,还会自己洗衣服了呢!




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