

新东方网整理2021-05-04 14:42


  Well, it all began early in the morning, a very normal morning. Pandora walked happily to school with her book bag on her back. She hadn’t walked very far when she suddenly stepped on something hard, and nearly hurt her leg.

  事情还得从早晨说起,这是一个普通的上学的清晨,Pandora 蹦蹦跳跳背着书包出了家门。没走多远,她忽然就踩到了一个东西,硬邦邦地,差点害她崴了脚。

  Pandora looked to see what it was, and on the ground was a beautiful pencil case. It was covered in cute cartoon designs and decorations of beautiful scenery.

  Pandora 抬起脚一看,居然是一个漂亮的铅笔盒,上面有可爱的卡通图案,四周环绕着精美的花草风景。

  Pandora looked at it for a long time, and she liked it more and more. She was getting ready to put it in her book bag and walk away.

  Pandora 翻来覆去地看,越看越喜欢,准备放进自己的书包。

  At this time, though, Iris happened to be passing by. She knew what Pandora was thinking and immediately criticized her for taking something that belonged to someone else.

  这时,幻想鹿 Iris 刚好从旁边经过,她看见了 Pandora 的小动作,连忙指责 Pandora 不应该偷拿别人的东西。

  Pandora objected and said that this wasn’t stealing. She found it herself, and now it was hers.

  Pandora 狡辩说这不是偷拿的,是自己捡到的,捡到后就是自己的东西。

  After Pandora finished speaking, Iris didn’t respond. She just walked behind her quietly.

  听完 Pandora 的话,Iris 没有作声,只是默默地跟在她后面。

  Seeing that Iris had nothing else to say, Pandora was very pleased. In fact, she was so excited that she accidentally dropped her favorite water bottle on the ground.

  Pandora 看见 Iris 没有再说话,得意忘形起来,一不小心她最爱的水壶掉在地上。

  Iris saw it, and jumped to pick up the water bottle.

  后面的 Iris 看见后,一个箭步冲上去,把水壶捡了起来。

  Pandora demanded that Iris return the water bottle, but she wouldn’t. Iris said that she’d found it herself, and that now it belonged to her.

  Pandora 要求 Iris 归还水壶,可是这是不可能的,因为 Iris 告诉她捡到后就是自己的东西。

  Upon hearing this, Pandora’s face turned red with shame.

  Pandora 听了,羞得满脸通红。

  She said, embarrassed, “I was wrong. Let’s give it to teacher Rolin.”

  她不好意思地说:“是我错了,那我们现在把它交给 Rolin 老师吧!”。

  They arrived in teacher Rolin’s office and turned in the beautiful pencil case. Teacher Rolin patted Pandora on the head and said, “It’s very good that you returned something after finding it.”

  说完,她们来到了猫头鹰老师 Rolin 的办公室,把铅笔盒交给了老师,Rolin 老师摸了摸 Pandora 的头说道:“你们捡到东西后及时归还,真是好孩子!”

  Iris stood to the side, smiling, and clapped for Pandora, who was shy and bowed her head.

  Iris 站在一旁,也微笑地给 Pandora 鼓掌,Pandora 害羞地低下了头。




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