

新东方网整理2021-05-04 14:43


  This caused some problems for the students in the Happy Forest, though. They wanted to go to the other side of the creek to pick some fruit, but they were now stuck. Some of the small animals dared to try to cross, but they were washed downstream. Everyone was very alarmed.

  不过,这可难坏了大家。因为很多小伙伴想要去对岸采摘果子,现在全被拦在了河的这边。有些小动物冒险想要过河,结果都被河水冲走了。一时间,Happy Forest 里面人心惶惶。

  When he saw the situation, Junior the lion knew what to do. He dreamed of being an architect, and he decided to build a bridge.

  看到这样的情形,一直梦想着成为建筑师的小狮子 Junior 决定为大家建造一座小桥。

  Junior cut down some bamboo and made pilings. He used the rest to make the surface of the bridge, and before long it was finished.

  说做就做,Junior 砍好竹子,做成桥桩,再用剩下的竹子铺好桥面,一座小竹桥就出现在了河面上。

  However, not only did the bamboo bridge shake and sway, it began to rain heavier, and the water level continued to rise. It wasn’t long before the newly built bridge was washed away.


  Junior felt very sad as he stood in the rain watching the water wash away his bamboo bridge.

  Junior 沮丧地站在雨里,伤心地看着水中的小竹桥。

  Junior was upset about this for a few days, but he prepared to try again. This time, he asked Oxford the bull for help making the blueprints.

  这可确实让 Junior 懊恼了好几天,但是他马上又重振旗鼓,还找来牛津牛 Oxford 帮忙设计图纸。

  Once the blueprints were finished, they gathered some stronger building materials and finally built a bigger, sturdier bridge to span the creek.


  After this, no matter how strong the wind or heavy the rain, the children could cross the creek safely to pick fruit, and everyone commended Junior for his work. He was the chief architect in the forest.

  从此无论刮风下雨,小伙伴们都可以自由地前往对岸采摘果实啦,大家都纷纷夸奖 Junior 是森林中的首席建筑师。

  Oxford the bull said sincerely, “Life is safer and more convenient now, and it’s all thanks to you.”

  Oxford 也由衷地说道:“大家的生活安全便利多了,这都得感谢你。”

  “No, it’s thanks to my dream. My dream motivated me!” thought Junior.

  “不,应该感谢我心中的梦想,是它给了我力量!”Junior 在心里默默地答道。

  The Happy Forest was safe again.

  Happy Forest 又重新恢复了平静




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