

新东方网整理2021-05-04 14:45


  "Look! It's a huge bunch of balloons with many colors.They looked beautiful in the bright sunlight."When Jimmy the pig saw the bunch of balloons with all the colors,he completely forgot that this gift was for Victor.He ran over and grabbed the balloons.

  “你看,是一大串的气球,五颜六色,在阳光的照耀好看极了。”懒惰猪 Jimmy 一看到各种颜色的气球,想都没想这是给 Victor 的礼物,冲过来想要把气球接过去。

  Pandora told him that this was Victor's gift,not his,and that Jimmy was too light.He might be carried up and float away!It would be safer to tie it down to something.

  Pandora 表示这是 Victor 的礼物,而且 Jimmy 的体重太轻,可能会飞上天,最好把气球系在房屋上。

  But Jimmy didn't listen to a word she said.He was confident that he was heavy enough not to float away.He was sure there wouldn't be a problem.

  可是 Jimmy 完全不听劝说,并且信心满满地表示自己的体重完全可以,不会出现任何问题。

  Pandora watched,concerned,as Jimmy grabbed the balloons.Sure enough,the balloons lifted him up,and he slowly came off the ground and floated into the air.

  Pandora 正在犹豫着,Jimmy 一下就把气球抢了过去,这时,气球慢慢悠地把他带离了地面。

  Pandora jumped up to grab Jimmy,but she was too heavy,and couldn't catch him.

  Pandora 跳起来想要抓住 Jimmy ,可是她太笨重了,根本够不着。

  Iris the giraffe and Victor ran over,but the balloons climbed higher and higher.Iris reached with her long neck,and Victor climbed up a high tree,but they still couldn't catch Jimmy.

  幻想鹿 Iris 和 Victor 闻声赶来,但是气球越升越高,幻想鹿 Iris 用她的张脖子,Victor 爬上旁边的高树,都没有能够抓住 Jimmy 。

  At first,Jimmy seemed to be enjoying himself, but as the balloons climbed higher and higher,he became quite afraid,and began to cry.He fought with all his strength.

  再看看 Jimmy ,开始的时候他还很享受。不过随着气球越来越高,他吓得哇哇大哭,在空中使劲地挣扎。

  But it was no use.No matter what he did,he was still too light.


  Fortunately,teacher Rolin heard Jimmy's cries and ran over.Rolin popped the balloons one by one until Jimmy landed safely on the ground.

  幸好猫头鹰老师 Rolin 听见哭声赶了过来,她慢慢把气球一个个啄破,Jimmy 终于安全平稳地着陆,瘫软在地上。

  After a moment,Jimmy recovered and mumbled,"I guess I don't know myself,especially my weight,like I thought I did."

  过了一会,Jimmy 才缓过来,喃喃地说道:“看来我还是对自己,尤其对自己的体重不够了解呀!”

  Everyone laughed,and although Jimmy ruined the special birthday present,Victor also laughed and forgave him.

  大家都笑了起来,虽然 Jimmy 弄坏了礼物,Victor 也笑着原谅了他。

  The birthday party was about to begin,and everyone was happy again.





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