新东方网整理2021-05-04 14:46
Victor long ago heard that Pandora had gotten very confused lately. She would go out to play in the evening and couldn't find her way home. Some days after class, on her way home, she would wander off.
Victor 早就听说,这段日子 Pandora 突然变得很迷糊,常常是晚上出去玩,就找不到回家的路,有时候下课晚了,从学校走回家的路上也常常走丢。
Now, it was already dark, but Pandora wasn't home yet.
现在天已经黑透了,Pandora 还没有回家。
Victor had already asked all of his friends in the Happy Forest, but no one knew where Pandora was. They hadn't seen her.
Victor 问遍了 Happy Forest 里面所有的小伙伴,但是他们都说没有见到过 Pandora 。
This made Victor extremely nervous, so he rushed to tell everyone they needed to go look for Pandora. They gathered together and began to look for their friend. The sound of the search party echoed throughout the forest.
这可把 Victor 急坏了,他赶紧通知大家一起去找 Pandora 。大家纷纷出动,寻找 Pandora 的声音在黑暗中不断回荡。
"Pandora,Pandora,where are you,Pandora?"
“Pandora ,Pandora ,你在哪,Pandora ?”
From a small corner of the forest came a muffled sound. It was Pandora. She was hiding under a tree, shivering. Iris ran to Pandora and hugged her tightly. Everyone accompanied her back to her house to make sure she made it home safely.
忽然,从一个小角落里面传出来微弱的声音,是 Pandora ,她正躲在一棵树下瑟瑟发抖。幻想鹿 Iris 走上前去一把抱住了 Pandora ,大家护送着 Pandora 回到了家。
Once Pandora was safely asleep, everyone discussed the situation outside for a while, and then they left.
当 Pandora 安心地睡着后,大家在门外商量了一会儿,才慢慢离开。
Early the next day, when Pandora was preparing to leave for school, she discovered a sign outside her door that read, "Welcome Home Pandora!"
第二天清晨,Pandora 打开家门准备去上学,她突然发现门口多了一块“欢迎 Pandora 回家”的木牌。
Pandora was a little bit puzzled about this at first, but she quickly understood the sign's purpose. When she looked farther down the road, she also saw many more signs, at every corner in the Happy Forest from her home to school. They all pointed the way home. As it turns out, they were all placed there by Pandora's friends the previous night. They were to help her get home safely. She was very touched.
Pandora 有点小疑惑,但是很快她就明白这是怎么回事了,因为她发现路上还多了许许多多的路牌,分布在 Happy Forest 里的各个角落,都指向 Pandora 的家,原来这些都是昨天晚上大家商量后连夜赶做的,就是为了帮助她顺利回家,Pandora 感动极了。
Teacher Rolin saw everyone's concern for Pandora and was moved to commend them for their work: "Your unity and kindness have made the Happy Forest a better place."
猫头鹰老师 Rolin 看见大家有爱的行为后,也不禁夸赞道:“你们的团结和睦和相亲相爱,建造出了 Happy Forest 这个最温暖的家!”
Pandora wouldn't get lost in the forest again.
Pandora 再也不会在森林里面迷路啦。