

新东方网整理2021-05-04 15:15


  For some reason, Pandora had recently become especially eager to help others. If there were any way to help someone, she would immediately offer her assistance.

  近段时间以来,不知道怎么的,Pandora 变得格外热心。只要有地方能够帮助到别人,她就马上奉献出自己的爱心。

  She heard that there was a tree in the Happy Forest with large, sweet, crisp, delicious fruit, so she ran to pick some. She gathered a full basket of this fruit and gave it all to her friend Jimmy. He loved to eat.

  听说 Happy Forest 里面的果子结好了,又大又脆又香又甜,Pandora 赶忙前去采摘,装了满满的一大篮,送给爱吃的 Jimmy ,惊喜的 Jimmy 感谢不已。

  Walking home from Jimmy's house, Pandora saw Victor the gorilla building a swing. She immediately ran home to get two bits of rope that Victor could use. With Pandora's rope, Victor finished his swing and they were both very happy.

  从 Jimmy 家回来时,Pandora 看见皮皮猩 Victor 正在搭建秋千,她又马上回到家里,拿来了两根绳子。有了 Pandora 的绳子,Victor 很快就把秋千搭好了,他开心极了。

  But Pandora wouldn't be happy for long. Jimmy ran to tell her that in the basket she gave him was some wild fruit that made his tummy hurt.

  可是 Pandora 还没来得及高兴呢,Jimmy 就跑来找她了,原来她摘来的果子中混杂了一些野果,把 Jimmy 的肚子都吃坏了。

  Right after that, Victor walked over in pain. He hadn't been on the swing very long before Pandora's ropes broke, and he fell to the ground.

  紧接着,Victor 也捂着红红的屁股找来了。Pandora 的绳子并不结实,Victor 没来得及玩几分钟,就结结实实地摔在了地上。

  Pandora scratched her head and apologized to her friend before they went home. After she got home herself, she went out again, and saw teacher Rolin strengthening her tree house. Pandora of course offered her help.

  Pandora 挠了挠头,向两位小伙伴道歉,安抚他们回家后,自己又出了家门。这时她看见猫头鹰老师 Rolin 正在加固树上的家,她立即上去表示帮忙。

  Teacher Rolin had already heard about Pandora trying to be helpful, and quickly declined. But it was too late. Without another word, Pandora was already climbing up the tree to help, and accidentally knocked teacher Rolin's entire house out of the tree. It fell to the ground and broke into many pieces.

  Rolin 老师早已经对 Pandora 的事迹有所耳闻,她赶忙婉拒。可是已经来不及了,Pandora 二话不说,已经摇摇晃晃地爬上了树,但是她一不小心直接把 Rolin 老师的家弄掉在地上,摔得粉碎。

  Pandora was horrified at the sight before her. Teacher Rolin sighed and told Pandora, "Enthusiasm is commendable, but you can't always be causing trouble for people!"

  面对眼前的景象,Pandora 吓呆了。这时候 Rolin 老师无奈地叹息道:“热心做好事值得表扬,但你不能总是帮人家倒忙呀!”

  After hearing this, Pandora understood her error, and decided she must improve.

  听完 Rolin 老师的话,Pandora 终于意识到了自己的错误,并且暗暗下定决心改正。




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