

新东方网整理2021-05-04 15:23


  Winter had arrived, and the Happy Forest was chilly and bleak. The cold wind blew into Jimmy's face and through his clothes, and took with it his good mood. He had become quite irritable.

  原来是冬天来了,Happy Forest 里面一片萧瑟的景象,凛冽的寒风吹在了 Jimmy 的脸上,灌进了 Jimmy 的衣服里,把他的好心情都一起吹走了,Jimmy 开始变得有些烦躁了起来。

  Jimmy and his friends were waiting in line to swing on the swing, and they were behind Iris. She swung, and swung, and swung some more.

  暴躁的 Jimmy 和小伙伴们一起排队荡秋千,他排在幻想鹿 Iris 的后面,Iris 坐上秋千,摇啊摇啊,摇啊摇啊。

  It had been a little while now, and Jimmy got impatient, so he pushed Iris off the swing. She began to cry.

  时间有点久了,Jimmy 等得有些不耐烦,一把就把 Iris 推倒在地,Iris 委屈地大哭起来。

  On his way home, Jimmy ran into Victor. Victor gave Jimmy an apple from his stash to get through winter.

  回家的路上,暴躁的 Jimmy 遇到了皮皮猩 Victor,Victor 拿出家里储藏过冬的苹果,分享给Jimmy。

  But Jimmy took one bite and mumbled to himself that it tasted awful, not sweet at all. He tossed the apple on the ground, and Victor vowed never again to give any of his food to Jimmy.

  可是 Jimmy 只是咬了一口,就嘟囔着“不甜~不甜~”,随手把苹果扔在了地上,气得 Victor 发誓再也不分享好吃的给他了。

  Pandora saw Jimmy's behavior, and told him that it was not good. But he replied to her in the same manner, saying, "You sit there lazily all day, and you have the nerve to talk to me about my attitude?"

  Jimmy 的这些行为,呆萌象 Pandora 全都看在眼里,她告诉 Jimmy 他这样做太暴躁了。但是Jimmy 却暴躁地回应道:“你整天一副呆呆的样子,还好意思说我?”

  After hearing what Jimmy said, she also quietly walked away.

  听完 Jimmy 的话,Pandora 也默默地走开了。

  After a few days, Jimmy's mood improved a little bit. He went to go find his friends, but they were all avoiding him.

  过了几天,Jimmy 的心情渐渐变得好起来。于是他又去找小伙伴们玩耍,可是大家见着他都躲得远远的。

  Jimmy couldn't understand. He chased after Pandora and begged her for an explanation. What else could Pandora do but tell him the truth? She said, "Is it not because of you? You've been in a terrible mood lately, so everyone stayed away from you."

  Jimmy 一头雾水,他跟在 Pandora 的后面穷追猛问。Pandora 无可奈何,只好说出了实情:“还不是因为你自己,你最近太暴躁了,所以把大家都赶跑了。”

  After hearing what Pandora said, he thought back about his behavior of the past few days, and realized what she was talking about. He understood that his actions had hurt others. Standing behind Pandora, ashamed, he muttered quietly, "I'm sorry."

  Jimmy 听完 Pandora 的话,他回想起了前几天自己的行为,恍然大悟,原来自己的行为对别人造成了这么大的伤害。他羞愧地站在 Pandora 的身后,小声地说了句“对不起”。

  Pandora turned to him and said, "Okay, I forgive you. But next time don't be so irritable. Learn to control your emotions, and then others will want to be around you.

  Pandora 转过身说道:“好吧,我原谅你了。下次可不要再这么暴躁了,学会控制自己的情绪,才能受到大家的欢迎。走,我陪着你一起去跟大家道歉。”

  Jimmy nodded his head. He was not so irritable after that, and people wanted to be around him again.

  Jimmy 郑重地点了点头,不再暴躁的他又重新获得了大家的喜爱。




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