

新东方网整理2021-05-04 15:27


  After a tiring week of study, the students in the Happy Forest were ready to go to the other side of the forest to play. Iris brought a lot of stuff with her, and her bag was very heavy, so she walked very slowly.

  经过了一周的刻苦学习,Happy Forest 的小伙伴们准备到森林的另一边去玩耍。幻想鹿 Iris 因为带的东西太多,背包太重,走得慢吞吞的。

  Iris looked to Pandora for help, hoping she could carry a few things for her, but Pandora was too eager to get to their destination, so without a second thought, she told Iris she wouldn't help.

  Iris 寻求呆萌象 Pandora 的帮助,希望能够帮助她分担一点,可是 Pandora 却急着要去看风景,想都没想就拒绝了 Iris 的请求。

  But as she was walking, Pandora tripped on a small stone and sprained her ankle.

  但是在路上走着走着,呆萌象 Pandora 却被凸起的石头磕绊,脚不小心崴了。

  Pandora asked for everyone's help. First, she asked Victor the gorilla, but Victor said he was in a hurry to go see the scenery. He told Pandora to wait for him, and that he would help her on his way back.

  Pandora 向大家求助帮着扶她回去,她首先询问的是皮皮猩 Victor,可是 Victor 却表示自己赶着要去看风景,让 Pandora 先在原地等着,等他看完了风景就回来接她回去。

  Then, Pandora asked Jimmy the pig for help, but Jimmy said he was already too tired and needed to rest.

  接着,Pandora 又把求助的目光投向了懒惰猪 Jimmy,但是 Jimmy 自己已经累得哼哧哼哧的了,他表示自己太累了,要待在原地休息。

  As Pandora was nearly at her wits'end, Iris happened to be there. She saw Pandora was injured and helped her go back to school and visit the clinic.

  正当 Pandora 一筹莫展的时候, Iris 慢悠悠地从后面赶了过来,她看见了 Pandora 的伤势,二话不说就扶着 Pandora 回到学校医务室去治疗。

  On the way back, Pandora's face went red with shame. She asked Iris why she was helping her. Iris replied without hesitating, "Real friends are people who help each other when they need it."

  在回去的路上,Pandora 的全身都羞得通红,她试探地问 Iris 为什么还要帮助自己,Iris 毫不犹豫地回到道:“好朋友就是当彼此遇到困难时,及时伸出援助之手的那个人啊!”

  Pandora nodded her head and quietly promised that she would also be a good friend to Iris.

  Pandora 点了点头,她暗暗发誓,一定也要做 Iris 的好朋友。

  Back at school, teacher Rolin commended Iris for her actions. Victor and Jimmy also understood their mistake, and apologized to Pandora. They said they would help take care of her.

  回到学校后,猫头鹰老师 Rolin 表扬了 Iris,而 Victor和 Jimmy 也意识到了自己的错误,主动向 Pandora 道歉,并且承担起了照顾 Pandora 的责任。




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