

新东方网整理2021-05-04 15:28


  Pandora had had her eye on others recently. Whatever someone else had, she also wanted, but she wanted hers to be better.

  最近 Pandora 的眼睛总在别人身上打转,看到其他小伙伴有什么,她也一定要有,而且还要更好。

  The next day at school, Iris was wearing a brand new skirt with flowers on it, and everyone told her how pretty it was. Pandora stared at the skirt the entire class. She didn't hear a single thing the teacher said. The next day, she wore a beautiful skirt of her own, which also had flowers on it. Not only did she ask everyone what they thought of it, she spent the entire class fiddling with her skirt, and again didn't listen to the teacher.

  幻想鹿 Iris 穿了一条崭新的裙子来学校上课,上面装饰着可爱的小花,大家都夸赞她的裙子好看。Pandora 盯着 Iris 的裙子看了一整节课,连猫头鹰老师 Rolin 上课说了什么都不知道。第二天,她就穿了一件闪闪发光的满是鲜花的裙子来上课,不仅逢人便问自己的裙子好看不好看,而且上课一直摆弄着自己的裙子,又没有听讲。

  A few days later, Jimmy got a new pencil case with different pouches that could hold a lot of stuff. Pandora also looked at his pencil case the entire class, and all she could think about was how much she wanted one.

  过了两天,懒惰猪 Jimmy 换了一个新的文具盒,里面有上中下三层,可以装下好多东西,Pandora 又盯着看了一整节课,满脑子想的都是自己也要有一个这样的文具盒。

  The day after that, not only had Pandora gotten a new pencil case, but she had all new pencils and erasers too. All she did in class was look at her new things, play with her new ruler, or compass, or other items, and she was very happy.

  第二天,Pandora 不仅换了一个同样的文具盒,还把里面的铅笔、橡皮等各种文具统统换了一遍。上课的时候,她就不停地打开自己的新文具盒,一会玩玩尺子,一会玩玩圆规,玩得不亦乐乎。

  Before she knew it, their monthly test had come around, but because Pandora was so busy paying attention to her classmates and what they had, she hadn't studied at all, and didn't know anything that was going to be on the test. She got a terrible grade.

  转眼间,每月一次的小测验就到了。可 Pandora 之前因为沉迷于攀比,根本无法专心学习,对于新学到的知识一无所知,所以考出了很差的成绩。

  Teacher Rolin wanted to understand the situation and brought Pandora into the teacher's office. Teacher Rolin spoke nicely to Pandora, and said, "Everyone wants nice things. They can make us feel good, but as a student, you shouldn't compare things like pencil cases or clothing. You should be more focused on your grades and your performance, not stuff."

  猫头鹰老师 Rolin 在了解情况后,她把 Pandora 叫进了办公室,语重心长地对她说:“每个人都希望拥有更好的东西,让自己变得更出众,但是作为学生,不应该比拼文具和穿着,而应该比拼的是上课的认真程度和学习的用功程度。”




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