

沪江2015-01-16 09:35

  5 . When is your baby due?


  If you are pregnant, chances are you have announced it to everyone you want to know. Yet, there are times when women gain weight or wear certain outfits that make them appear pregnant when they haven’t gained an ounce.


  You have several ways to respond to this rude question. You can say you’re not pregnant and let the person (considering, of course, the person is decent enough to be embarrassed), or you may give a date a few years away. When the rude person appears confused, say, “Bill and I thought we’d wait a couple of years before starting a family.” And then don’t wear that outfit again.


  6 . When do you plan to start a family?


  Many newlyweds get asked this question. If a close friend or relative asks, you might want to give an honest answer. However, if the questioner is just a nosy busybody, say that the minute you said your wedding vows, you considered yourselves a family.


  7 . More rude questions


  There is such an abundance of rude questions – and people who ask them – that you could spend all day thinking of answers and quips. Instead of wasting your valuable time, have a few standard replies that work in a variety of situations.


  Here are some examples of how to respond:


  ”Why would you ask such a rude question?”


  ”I have a policy not to discuss that topic with anyone it doesn’t concern.”


  Pause, smile, and say, “Did you really just ask me that?”


  ”I’m not even touching that topic. Let’s talk about something else.“


  ”Do you realize how rude that question is?”


  Take a step back to gain some personal space and say, ”I’m not going to answer that question.”


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