

En88482015-03-27 11:01



  A full day riding the rails brings you to the sights of Berlin, Europe's most rapidly changing (andexciting) city; must-sees include all the Berlin Wall galleries, memorials and museums, plus new citysights like the Sony Centre and Film museum. At night Kreuzberg is the alternative nightlife hub,while Prenzlauer Berg is more grown up.




  You’ll have to board a plane in order to be dazzled by the marble streets and red roofs ofDubrovnik, Croatia. By all means, first walk the city walls; the views over the town and sea aregreat. Explore the rest of the old town and take a seat at a cafe or along one of the beaches.




  The Greek capital is a treasure trove of ancient ruins with the magnificent buildings of the hill-topAcropolis heading the list. Below it stand more impressive remains, plus bustling flea markets andlively tavernas giving you a taste of more modern Athenian life.




  Once you’ve touched down you’ve reached the edge of Europe, where east meets west. In Oldİstanbul explore the Blue Mosque, Topkapı Palace and Aya Sofya. Then shop and dine in modernBeyoğlu, centre of the city’s nightlife. A boat ride on the Bosphorus gives you the chance to stepfoot in Asia, looking back at the Europe you’ve just explored.

  如果你继续 你的旅程,那你就到了欧洲的边缘了,那是东方和西方交汇的地方。在古伊斯坦布尔探索蓝色清真寺,托卡比皇宫以及圣索菲亚大教堂。然后在时尚的贝伊奥卢,也 是城市夜生活的中心,购物和吃饭。坐小船跨国博斯普鲁斯海峡你就有机会踏上亚洲,然后在那里往后看,就是你游览过的欧洲大陆。(原文来自 lonelyplanet)


  1、eternal 英 [ɪ'tɜːn(ə)l; iː-] 美 [ɪ'tɝnl]adj. 永恒的;不朽的

  短语:eternal city 不朽之城(罗马城的别称)

  eg:It's hard to say what you'll find most breathtaking about the eternal city.


  2、monumental 英 [mɒnjʊ'ment(ə)l] 美 [,mɑnju'mɛntl] adj. 不朽的;纪念碑的;非常的

  短语:monumental task巨大的任务

  eg:He spent 10 years on this monumental task. 是的,他花了十年的时间在这项巨大的工程上。

  3、linger 英 ['lɪŋgə] 美 ['lɪŋɡɚ] vi. 徘徊;苟延残喘;磨蹭 vt. 消磨;缓慢度过

  短语:linger over 在…上拖延;细细思考;仔细欣赏;慢吞吞地做某事

  eg:His last words still linger in our ears. 他的临终嘱咐仍萦绕在我们耳际。

  4、pedestrian 英 [pəˈdestriən] 美 [pə'dɛstrɪən]:adj. 徒步的;缺乏想像力的 n. 行人;步行者

  短语:pedestrian street 步行街;行人街道

  eg:The speeding car barely missed the pedestrian. 疾驰的汽车差点撞上那个行人。

  5、thermal 英 ['θɜːm(ə)l] 美 ['θɝml] adj. 热的;上升的热气流

  eg:They planed to go to a thermal spring the next day for a break. 他们计划着第二天去一个热的温泉休息休息

  6、bustling 英 ['bʌslɪŋ] 美 ['bʌslɪŋ] adj. 熙熙攘攘的;忙乱的

  短语:bustling still 繁华依旧

  eg:The street is bustling. 大街上热闹得很。

  7、flea 英 [fliː] 美 [fli] n. 跳蚤;低廉的旅馆

  短语:flea market 跳蚤市场;廉价市场

  eg:She got it from the flea market. 她说是从跳蚤市场上淘回来的!

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