

互联网2015-05-19 10:11

4. Norway

  4. Norway

  4. 挪威

  Kick back in a fisherman's cottage on a fjord or chase the Northern Lights to truly experience one of the greatest countries on Earth.

  到峡湾上的渔人小屋放松一下,或者跟着北极光体验一下世界上最壮丽的国家之一吧。3. Denmark

  3. Denmark

  3. 丹麦

  The capital of Copenhagen is best conquered by bike. Denmark offers a whole slate of nature escapes, too.

  骑自行车是游览首都哥本哈根的最佳方式。丹麦还有很多让你亲近大自然的地方。2. Iceland

  2. Iceland

  2. 冰岛

  Iceland is quickly becoming a popular exploration spot. Get there before everyone else does to hike waterfalls, soak in blue lagoons and scuba dive between continents.


1. Switzerland

  1. Switzerland

  1. 瑞士

  Switzerland is a dream, especially in summer. Hop a train to run through fields of wildflowers and waterfalls. It's no wonder this is the happiest country in the world.


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