人人美剧2015-08-19 09:48
Blood & Oil (ABC)
Premieres: Sunday, Sept. 27 at 9/8c
Don Johnson won't be getting Blood & Oil all over his Miami Vice linen clothes in this dirty series about a modern-day oil boom in North Dakota. Johnson plays an oil tycoon who's the antagonist to ambitious young couple Billy (Chace Crawford) and Cody (Rebecca Rittenhouse), who do everything they can to break off a little piece of that oil pie for themselves. Will everything of theirs -- including their marriage -- stand up to the challenge?
放心吧,Don Johnson的奢华着装可不会在这部剧中沾上真正的“血与石油。”在北达科他州的油田掀起了一阵挖掘热潮,Don Johnson扮演的一名石油大亨将与Billy(Chace Crawford扮演)和Cody这对夫妻(Rebecca Rittenhouse扮演)展开斗争,这对夫妻为了发财,不惜使出一切手段也要在这片富饶的油田中分一杯羹。但在这一过程中,他们所拥有的,包括他们的婚姻能经得起重重考验吗?