英语口语:花样say no教你委婉拒绝
牛津博客2016-10-31 14:13
11. veto 否决;禁止
Veto joins that group of Latin words that are used as everyday parts of English. Literally translating as ‘I forbid’, this is a fairly commanding way to show your disapproval of a scheme.
12. out of the question 不可能
Originally meaning ‘beside the point, not relevant to the matter under discussion. One of the earliest uses of this later sense comes from Eliza Haywood’s The History of Betsy Thoughtless: ‘A marriage with miss Betsy was, therefore, now quite out of the question with him’.
最初的意思是“离题,与正在讨论的问题无关的”。out of the question作为“不可能”最早出自伊丽莎海伍德的作品《贝琪的粗心历史》中:“因此,他和贝特西小姐结婚是不可能的。
13. no siree
You would be right in thinking that siree here is derived from sir —ultimately it is, but it developed as a variant of sirrah (much used in Shakespeare), which (in turn) was formed directly from sir with a (perhaps arbitrary) suffix, as a term used when addressing men or boys with contempt.
14. for foul nor fair 不可能
Putting opposites together to cover a spectrum is a pretty good way to indicate that something isn’t going to happen: this one can be found as far back as Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales.
15. not on your life 一点也不;绝对不行
This emphasizes your reluctance to comply with a request –that, even if the requester’s life was at stake, you’d still be a hard pass.
16. not on your Nelly 绝对不
The British expression not on your Nelly, in its earliest incarnation in a 1941 issue of the New Statesman . Not on your Nelly is just another way of saying not on your life.
not on your Nelly是英式表达,这个表达最早出现在1941年发行的《新政治家》上。Not on your Nelly是not on your life的另一种表达。
17. not on your tintype
Atintypewas a photograph taken as a positive on a thin tin plate but also found its way into this phrase, which dates to at least 1900.
18. not for all the tea in China绝不可能
This phrase, despite drawing on Britain’s national obsession, is actually originally from colloquial Australian English.
19. not in a million years 绝不可能
People haven’t been using it for quite a million years, but it certainly dates back over a century.
20. under no circumstances 决不
For avoidance of doubt, this one pretty much covers all bases. Circumstance was originally a noun of action or condition, in the singular, but is now usually pluralized.