沪江2018-09-27 11:41
This is the part of your body you sit on. Your ass! It might also be someone who is down and out, like a tramp. You might also bum around, if you are doing nothing in particular, just hanging out. Finally to bum something means to scrounge it from someone.
这是你坐下时使用的身体一部分,你的屁屁!它也可能说的是一个穷困潦倒的人(who is down and out),像是流浪汉。你也可能bum around(游手好闲),如果你什么都不做,只是闲逛的话。最后还有“to bum something”表示向某人乞讨。
To bung something means to throw it. For example a street trader might bung something in for free if you pay cash right now! Or you could say "bung my car keys over,mate”. A bung is also a bribe.
“To bung something”表示扔东西。比如说,当你用现金即刻支付的时候,一个路边摊小贩可能免费再“抛”一点东西给你!或者你可能说“bung my car keys over,mate(把我的车钥匙扔过来,老兄)”。bung也可以表示贿赂。
This word is obviously used when drinking with friends. However, it also has other colloquial meanings. For example when saying goodbye you could say "cheers", or "cheers then". It also means thank you. Americans could use it in English pubs, but should avoid the other situations as it sounds wrong with an American accent. Sorry!