
100组高中英语易混易错词汇辨析 记熟了考试稳稳拿高分!

高中英语2019-02-14 13:48

  41. good, well

  good形容词,well副词,但指身体状况是形容词 He is well again.

  42. hard, hardly

  hard努力,hardly几乎不 work hard I can hardly believe it.

  43. late, lately

  late迟,晚,lately最近,近来 I haven't seen him lately.

  44. living, alive, live, lively

  living, alive, live均为活着的,living定表均可,alive定表均可,定语后置,live只能做定语,lively意为活波的 all the living people=all the people alive

  45. excited, exciting

  excited使人兴奋的,exciting令人兴奋的 I\'m excited. The news is exciting.

  46. deep, deeply

  deep具体的深,deeply抽象的深,深深地 deeply moved, dig deep

  47. before long, long before

  before long不久以后,long before很久以前 not long before = before long

  48. instead, instead of

  instead是副词,放在句首或句末,instead of是介词短语,放在句中He didn't see a film. Instead he watched TV. He watched TV instead of seeing a film.

  49. too much, much too

  too much 后接不可数名词,much too后接形容词 much too heavy

  50. raise, rise

  raise及物动词,rise不及物动词 The sun rises in the east.

  51. bring, take, carry, fetch

  bring拿来,take带走,carry随身携带,fetch去回这一往返动作 fetch a box of chalk

  52. spend, take, pay, cost

  spend人做主语,花钱,花时间; spend…on sth./in doing sth; take物做主语,花时间; pay人做主语,花钱,pay for; cost物做主语,花钱

  53. join, join in, take part in

  join加入某个组织,并成为其中的一员;join in参加小型的活动, join sb. in;take part in 参加大型的活动 He joined the army five years ago.

  54. leave, leave for

  leave离开,leave for前往 He left Beijing for Shanghai.

  55. used to, be used to

  used to过去常常,be used to习惯于,后接sth./doing sth.;被用来,后接 do sth. He is used to getting up early.

  56. win, lose, beat

  win后接sth.,反义词为lose, beat后接sb. win the game, beat them

  57. live on, live by

  live on以…为主食,live by靠…谋生 live on fish/ live by fishing

  58. lose, miss

  lose失去(具体的物体),错过 sth. is lost, lose the chance;miss 想念,错过sth. is missing, miss the chance

  59. be tired of, be tired with/from

  be tired of厌烦…,be tired with/from因为…而累了 be tired with/from running 800 meters

  60. care about, care for

  care about关心,计较,在乎,一般多用于否定句中;care for关心,照料,喜欢,愿意 He doesn't care about his clothes. I don't care for movies.


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