

新东方网整理2019-02-21 14:15





  理由1. 给无法生育孩子的夫妇带来希望

  2. 治疗各种疾病和残疾人

  3. 让逝去的亲人重生1. 违背自然规律

  2. 导致无法预料的灾难

  3. 挑战道德问题


  注意: 1.文章必须包括表中的全部内容,可以适当发挥;


  Nowadays the idea of cloning humans has raised concern internationally.





  Nowadays the idea of cloning humans has raised concern internationally. People have different

attitudes towards it.

  Some people who are in favour of human cloning believe it is of benefit. It can bring hope for those who can’t give birth to babies. By replacing the damaged parts or organs, cloning will bring those who are disabled or suffer from diseases a chance to recover. Besides, it can relieve those who lost their relatives by cloning the dead.

  However, others who are against human cloning think cloning must be forbidden. First, human cloning goes against the law of nature. Secondly, no one can foresee what results cloning may bring. Thirdly, it has challenged questions of morality. Will you call a cloned father father or brother?

  In my opinion, cloning can bring hope or do harm as well. A law must be passed to limit cloning study to ensure it benefits man.


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