

奇速英语2019-03-06 14:08

  contain [kənˈteɪn] v. 包含;包括;能容纳

  container [kənˈteɪnə(r)] n. 容器

  1) 包含/括

  The book contains 12 units.


  Sea water contains a lot of salt.


  The envelope contained 500 dollars.

  container n. 容器,集装箱

  contemporary [kənˈtempərərɪ; (US) kənˈtempərerɪ] a.属同时期的, 同一时代的

  content [kənˈtent] a.甘愿的,满意的 n.内容

  be content with 满足于

  be content to do 甘愿做某事

  the content of the article 文章内容

  read the contents of the book 读目录

  continent [ˈkɔntɪnənt] n. 大陆, 大洲;陆地

  continue [kənˈtɪnjuː] vi. 继续

  continue doing / to do / with

  contradict [kɔntrəˈdɪkt] v. 反驳, 驳斥, 批驳

  contradictory [ˌkɔntrə'diktəri] a.相互矛盾,对立的

  contrary [ˈkɔntrərɪ; (US) ˈkɔntrerɪ] n. / a. 相反 相反的

  Contrary to popular belief, many cats dislike milk.

  on the contrary 相反,反之

  contribute [kənˈtrɪbjuːt] v. 贡献

  1) 捐献,捐赠

  contribute (sth) (to/ towards sth)

  We contributed 5000 yuan to the earthquake fund.

  2) 导致,有助于

  contribute to

  Smoking contributes to lung cancer.

  3) 撰稿,在会议或会谈期间讲话,发表意见

  contribute (sth) (to sth)

  She contributed (a number of articles )to the magazine.

  We hope everyone will contribute to the discussion.

  contribution [kɔnˈtrɪbjuːt] n. 贡献

  make a contribution to sth 对…做贡献

  control [kənˈtrol] vt.& n. 控制

  controversial [kɔntrəˈvɜːʃ(ə)l] a.引起争论的,有争议的

  convenience [kənˈviːnɪəns] n. 便利

  at one’s convenience 在某人方便的时候

  for one’s convenience 为了某人方便

  convenient adj.方便的

  It is convenient for sb to do sth

  convenient [kənˈviːnɪənt] a. 便利的, 方便的

  conventional [kənˈvenʃən(ə)l] a. 依照惯例的, 习惯的

  conversation [kɔnvəˈseɪʃ(ə)n] n. 谈话, 交谈


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