

奇速英语2019-03-06 14:26

  gradually [ˈɡrædjʊəlɪ] ad. 逐渐地

  graduate [ˈɡrædjʊət] v. 毕业

  graduation [ɡrædjʊˈeɪʃ(ə)n] n. 毕业, 毕业典礼

  grain [ɡreɪn] n. 谷物, 谷类

  gram [ɡræm] n. 克(重量单位)

  grammar [ˈɡræmə(r)] n. 语法

  grand [ɡrænd] a. 宏伟的

  grandchild ['græntʃaɪld] n.(外)孙或孙女.孙辈

  granddaughter [ˈɡrændɔːtə(r)] n. (外)孙女

  grandma = grandmother [ˈɡrænmɑː, ˈɡrændmɑː] n. 奶奶;外婆

  grandpa = grandfather [ˈɡrænpɑː, ˈɡrændpɑː] n.爷爷,外公

  grandparents [ˈɡrændpeərənt] n.祖父母.外祖父母

  grandson [ˈɡrændsʌn] n. (外)孙子

  granny [ˈɡrænɪ] n. 老奶奶;祖母;外婆

  grape [ɡreɪp] n. 葡萄

  graph [ɡrɑːf; (US) ɡræf] n. 图表, 曲线图

  grasp [ɡrɑːsp; (US) ɡræsp] v. 抓住;紧握

  grass [ɡrɑːs; (US) ɡræs] n. 草;草场;牧草

  grateful [ˈɡreɪtfʊl] a. 感激的, 感谢的

  be grateful for/that...

  I’m so grateful for all your help.

  She was grateful that he helped him a lot.


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