

奇速英语2019-03-06 15:44

  section [ˈsekʃ(ə)n] n. 段, 部分, 部门

  secure [sɪˈkjʊə(r)] a.安心的,有把握的,牢靠的

  a secure job 一份牢靠的工作

  a secure age 无忧无虑的年纪

  be secure of 确保/确信......

  security n. 安全;保证;证券;抵押品

  security [sɪˈkjʊərɪtɪ] n. 安全, 平安

  see (saw, seen) [siː] vt. 看见, 看到;领会;拜会

  see sb do sth 看到某人做了某事

  see through 看穿,看透

  see sb doing sth 看到某人正在做某事

  see sb off 给某人送行

  see to sb/sth/doing 照看/负责......

  You see to it that the windows are all closed.

  seed [siːd] n. 种子

  melon seed [ˈmelən siːd] 瓜子

  seek (sought, sought) [siːk] vt.试图;探寻

  She managed to calm him down and seek help from a neighbor.

  seek one’s fortune 寻求财富/运气

  seem [siːm] v. 似乎, 好像

  He seems (to be) happy/a good man.

  He seems to have said it.

  It seems to me that… 在我看来...…

  Aftre what seemed several hours, he left.

  see-saw [siː-sɔː] n. 跷跷板(游戏)

  seize [siːz] vt. 抓住(时机等)

  He seized her by the arm. 他抓住他的胳膊。

  seize a chance/an opportunity

  seldom [ˈseldəm] ad. 很少, 不常

  select [sɪˈlekt] vt. 选择, 挑选, 选拔

  self [self] n. 自己, 自我, 自身

  selfish [ˈselfɪʃ] a. 自私的

  self-service [self-ˈsɜːvɪs] n.自助,自我服务的

  sell (sold, sold) [sel]v. 卖, 售

  sell sb sth =sell sth to sb

  He sold the book for $5. = He sold the book at the price of $5.

  These books sell well .

  be sold out 被卖光

  semicircle [ˈsemɪsɜːk(ə)l] n. 半圆

  send (sent, sent) [send] v. 打发, 派遣;送, 邮寄

  send a message

  send him a telegram(电报)

  A telegram sent him hurrying home.

  send for sb 派人去叫某人

  senior [ˈsiːnɪə(r)] a. 年长的,资深的,高年级的 n. 上级, 长辈, 高年级生

  sense [sens] n. 感觉, 意识

  a sense of sight/touch/smell/humor/duty/direction/language/music/business

  common sense 常识

  There is no sense in waiting here. 在这里等没有意义。

  The sentence doesn’t make sense. 这个句子讲不通。

  Can you make sense of the poem. 你能弄清这首诗的意思吗?

  sensitive [ˈsensɪtɪv] a.体贴的,善解人意的

  sentence [ˈsent(ə)ns] n. 句子


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