

奇速英语2019-03-11 10:11

  61. at times 有时,间或

  62. at…speed 以……的速度

  63. attend on 照顾,侍候

  64. attribute…to... 把……归于......

  65. back up 后退,支持

  66. be based on 基于

  67. be able to 能够

  68. be about to 正打算

  69. be accustomed to 习惯于

  70. be associated with 与……有关

  71. be aware of 意识到

  72. be capable of 有能力做......

  73. be caught 遇到,陷入

  74. be committed to 被交给,答应承担义务

  75. be confined to 限制在,局限于

  76. be confined/be restricted 受……限制

  77. be dedicated to 奉献,献给

  78. be devoted to 献身于/致力于......

  79. be directed to 指向,针对

  80. be drawn to 被......所吸引

  81. be due to 由于

  82. be exposed to 暴露在...下,接触...

  83. be fond of 喜爱

  84. be full of 充满

  85. be habitual to(him) 对(他来说)习以为常

  86. be in order 合适,恰当

  87. be involved in 参与,参加

  88. be involved with 涉及,与……有关连

  89. be left to 由...来决定,由...来想办法

  90. be limited to 限制在...,限定在...


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