

新东方网整理2019-03-19 15:26


  forget to do 忘记要去做某事(此事未做)forget doing忘记做过某事(此事已做过或已发生)

  stop to do 停止、中断(某件事),目的是去做另一件事stop doing 停止正在或经常做的事

  remember to do 记住去做某事(未做)remember doing记得做过某事(已做)

  regret to do对要做的事遗憾regret doing对做过的事遗憾、后悔

  try to do努力、企图做某事try doing试验、试一试某种办法

  mean to do打算,有意要…mean doing意味着

  go on to do 继而(去做另外一件事情)go on doing 继续(原先没有做完的事情)

  propose to do 打算(要做某事)proposing doing建议(做某事)

  like /love/hate/ prefer +to do 表示具体行为

  like+doing sth 表示抽象、倾向概念


  Don’t you remember seeing the man before?你不记得以前见过那个人吗?You must remember to leave tomorrow.你可要记着是明天动身。 注:如果这些动词前有should一词,其后宾语只跟不定式,不能跟动名词。例如:I should like to see him tomorrow.

  (6)need, want, deserve (值得,需要),require +动名词主动形式可表被动意义;+不定式需用被动形式表被动意义。


  The watch needs repairing.

  The watch needs to be repaired.




  We don’t allow smoking here.

  We aren’t allowed to smok here.

  (8)be worth后,不管主动被动都用doing,不用被动形式;be worthy 后,若表被动,可用to be done/of being done;


  The film was worth seeing. 那部电影值得看。

  The film was worthy to be seen/of being seen.那部电影值得看。


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