

互联网2019-03-21 16:10

  201 not… (形 、副)at all eg: He’s not tall at all she doesn't junp far at all

  202 not…at all 一点都不

  203 not…either 表否定,也不 eg : I don't japanse either Idon't have sister, either 我也没有姐姐

  204 not…until 直到……才…… eg: I didn't sleep until my mother came back The child didn't stop crying untilI give her sugar

  205 offer / provide sb with sth 给某人提供

  206 offer sb sth ( offer sth to sb 提供什么东西给某人 eg : Ioffer you water (I offer water to you 我给你提供水

  207 on one's way to… 在谁去那的路上

  208 on the one hand 一方面 on the other hand 另一方面

  209 on the phone = over the phone 用电话交谈

  210 on time 准时 in time 及时

  211 one day =some day =someday 一天,有一天

  212 one of +可数名词的复数形式

  213 one to another 一个到另一个

  214 over and over again 一遍又一遍

  215 say to oneself 对自己说

  216 please +do

  217 please hepl yourself

  218 part-time job 兼职工作 full-time job全职工作

  219 please with sb.

  220 pool into = pore into

  221 practice +doing

  222 prefer sth.to sth. 相对... 更喜欢

  223 pay for

  224 rather ...than 宁可....也不

  225 regard ... as 把.... 当作

  226 remind sb. about sth.

  227 remind sb. of sth.

  228 return sth. to sb.

  229 pretend to do sth. 装着去做什么

  230 say to sb. 对某人说

  231 sb. spend some money on sth. 花了多少钱在某事上

  232 sb. spend sometime with sb. 花了多少时间陪谁

  233 sb. spend sometime (in) doing sth.

  234 sb. with sb. +is sb and sb +are

  235 see sb do

  236 seem to do/be +adj. 显得怎么样

  237 send + sb sth

  238 send ...to ...

  239 shock 使... 震惊

  240 show sb sth

  241 show sb sth =show sth to sb

  242 show sth to sb

  243 some ... others 一些... 另一些

  244 start .. with... begin ...with..

  245 stay away from 远离

  246 stop doing 停下正在做的事

  247 stop to do sth 停下来正在做的事去做下一件事

  248 stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

  249 stop sb(from)dong 阻止某人做某事

  250 such +名

  251 suit sb 适合某人

  252 surprise sb

  253 take classes

  254 take sb to

  255 take walks=take a walk= go for a walk

  256 talk to

  257 talk of

  258 talk with sb

  259 tell sb to do sth

  260 tell sb not to do sth

  261 tell a lie

  262 teach sb sth

  263 tell ... from..

  264 thank you for doing

  265 the same +名词(doing)+as...

  266 the same ...(名)...as

  267 the way to do sth=the way of doing sth

  268 the way to ...(地点)

  269 too.. to

  270 transalte ... into...

  271 travel with sb

  272 try to do sth 想干什么但没成功 try doing sth 想干什么,已经做过了

  273 try one's best to do sth 尽某人最大的努力

  274 try ... 试衣服 have a try 试一下

  275 turn down 开小 turn up 开大

  276 turn off 关上 turn on 打开

  277 upsidde down 倒着

  278 visit to 参观某个地方

  279 wait for sb 等某人


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