

新东方网整理2019-04-03 14:30

  ★注:当主句谓语动词是tell, ask, show, teach等动词,且后带双宾语,从句主语和间接宾语一致时,宾语从句可简化为“疑问词+不定式”结构。例如:

  Could you tell me how I can get to the station?

  →Could you tell me how to get to the station?


  The headmaster ordered that we should start at once.

  →The headmaster ordered us to start at once.


  He insisted that he should go with us.

  →He insisted on going with us.

  The poor boy doesn’t know when and where he was born.

  →The poor boy doesn’t know the time and the place of his birth.


  Liu Ping found that there was a wallet lying on the ground.

  → Liu Ping found a wallet lying on the ground.


  It seemed that the boys were going to win.

  →The boys seemed to win.



  I found that it was difficult to learn English well.

  →I found it difficult to learn English well.

  Soon we found that the ground was covered with thick snow.

  →Soon we found the ground covered with thick snow.

  They found that the box was very heavy.

  →They found the box very heavy.


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