
关于成功的俚语表达 Hit a home run是什么意思?

沪江2019-08-08 14:17

  6. It’s in the bag


  When someone is very confident that they will be successful, a person could use this idiom to show how sure they are of success.


  Don’t worry; I will finish the report in time. It’s in the bag!


  7. Rags to riches


  Rags is a reference to the lousy state of clothing a person who is poor and living in the street may wear. However, rags to riches is used to describe the success of a person who was once very poor and has now become rich or wealthy.

  Rags指衣衫褴褛的穷人或者住在街上的人穿地衣服。然而,rags to riches用来指曾经很穷现在很富有的人的成功。

  The new movie they are making is about rags to riches story and how the main character overcame all of the problems he faced.


  8. Bear/ born fruit


  A tree that grows and produces fruit is considered to be successful, therefore when something works well, correctly or successfully we can say it has born fruit.


  Once we start advertising the new restaurant, we will see it bear fruit.


  The new business has finally born fruit.


  9. See the light at the end of the tunnel


  Just like a real, long tunnel, when you go inside you cannot see the end. However, as you get closer to the end, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s like saying that success is not that far away.

  就像一条真正的长长的隧道,当进入里面时,看不到尽头。 然而,当接近终点的时候,可以看到隧道尽头的灯光。这就像说成功不是那么遥远。

  It took a while for us to get new clients but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel now.


  10. The sky’s the limit


  When we do well at something, others around us may comment, the sky’s the limit. It means we are so successful that there are almost no limitations to accomplishing whatever we want to do.

  当我们做地好的时候,我们周围的人可能会说我们潜力不可限量。 这意味着我们非常成功,几乎没有任何限制来完成我们想做的事情。

  You paint so well, keep going, the sky’s the limit.


  While there are other idioms related to success, we have tried to select the most commonly heard and most frequently used. Do you know any different phrases about success? Let us know with a comment!

  虽然还有其他与success有关的习语,但我们试图选择最常用的习语。 你知道关于成功的其他短语吗?


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