

每日学英语2019-08-12 11:19

  21. Where's your favorite place to hang out in town? Here is another fun way to start a conversation about your community without being threatening. And it opens discussion to favorite restaurants, bars, and shops.


  22. I like your shirt! Where did you get it? A genuine compliment makes anyone smile。


  23. I can't place this song — do you know it? Hey, even if you know the tune, asking someone else about the music playing is a simple start。


  24. How long have you been at your job? Even at a corporate event, asking others about their job titles, roles, and how long they have been at the company breaks the ice。


  25. Tell me about something that made you laugh this week. Everyone loves a good laugh! Asking about something that brought on a chuckle makes anyone smile。


  26. If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? A bit more direct, but asking a specific question that requires thought can really make an impression。


  27. How are you today? Sure, this is a no-brainer question, but it gets people talking。


  28. Where is the best place you have ever visited? Taking a vacation is always wonderful. Asking someone new about a favorite destination is always an easy way to start talking。


  29. Did you hear about (something trending in the news)?Pick something pretty generic, remembering to stay away from politics and religion, and the conversation will get rolling。


  30. So, what's your story? OK, this one is borderline pick-up line, but it's also a direct approach for chatting。


  31. This place is awesome! Have you been here before? Complimenting the venue is a positive way to chat with others.


  32. If you could be an animal, what would you be and why? Just don't roar after asking! This question is also a fun and light way to break the ice。


  33. If you could invite a famous person over for dinner, who would it be? Also an often-used convo starter, this question has lasted the test of time, which makes it a winner anywhere, anytime。


  34. What's your favorite holiday? Open and generic, a basic question is an easy way to start mingling。


  35. What's the craziest thing you've ever eaten? Here's another fun question that gets people talking! And it's a great question to use when you feel awkward joining a group that's already chatting。


  36. What is one thing you couldn't live without? Wine? Chocolate? Bread? There's no wrong answer to this question, which makes it another winner。


  37. Have you ever won anything? It feels good when you win something, so asking someone about this special moment encourages sharing。


  38. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Slightly personal without requiring too much info, asking others about their family is a smart way to make connections。


  39. Have you ever met anyone famous? A brush with a famous person is always a thrill, making talking about it with a stranger a fun icebreaker。


  40. Do you prefer texting, calling, or emailing? Emailing! This is actually a great question to ask someone after you have made a connection. Follow up by asking for your new friend's phone number or email address。



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