新东方英语2019-11-22 11:21
翻译“剁手”“剁手党”最直截了当的译文就是hands-chopping、hands-chopping people或a hand chopper,例如:
① 再买我就“剁手”。
I’m gonna chop off my hands if I buy again.
② 光棍节那天,她疯狂网购,当了回“剁手党”。
On the Singles’ Day, she engaged in crazy online shopping, becoming a hand-chopper as termed by the netizens.
“Hands-chopping people?” Sorry? Did so many people chop their hands in China?
Relax. It’s not a term about felony (刑事重罪) or suicide that is rising in the world’s most populous nation, but a noun describing the spending spree (疯狂消费) of Chinese consumers during the frenzy online shopping promotion.
“Hands-chopping people” are big online spenders who self-mockingly (自嘲地) say that they would like to chop their hands off after buying too much online.
有时为了避免误解,也可借用英语中现有的表示购物狂的词来翻译“剁手党”,比如shopaholic、shopping mania、oniomania、shopping addicts等。例如:
① 我室友是个“剁手党”。
My roommate is a shopaholic/shopping mania.
② 一月份的打折促销对“剁手党”有着巨大的诱惑力。
The January sales can provide shopaholics with far too much temptation.
① 昨晚一时没忍住,又“剁手”了
Last night I couldn’t help buying/doing online shopping again.
In the last hour, there were still consumers from 230 countries maniacally engaged in the shopping spree.
② 地球人已经阻止不了我女朋友“剁手”了。
No one on earth can stop my girlfriend from buying online crazily.
巧合的是,英语中也有“吃土”的表达,即eating one’s dust,但此“土”非彼“土”,这里的“吃土”是指在田径比赛中远超对方,让对方跟在后面,吃自己扬起的尘土,所以“吃某人的土”就是被某人远远甩在后面的意思。例如: