

互联网2020-04-24 15:18

  21. The artist worked hardly to finish his drawings on time.此句需要一个副词来修饰,hardly是副词,但意为“几乎不”,hard 也可以是副词,表“努力地”,因此把 hardly 改为hard。

  22. This shirt is more cheaper than that one.More只构成比较级,而不能修饰比较级。因此把more去掉。

  23. He is the most successful of the two businessmen.两者相比较时,比较级前用定冠词,三者或三者以上才用most,因此把most改为more。

  24. He works less harder than he used to.表不如… 时用less加上形容词和副词的原级,因此把harder改为hard。

  25. The book is fairly more interesting than that one.fairly只能修饰形容词和副词的原级,可以修饰比较级的副词或短语有:much, even, still, far, a lot, a little, a bit, any, no, by far, rather等,因此把fairly改为rather。

  26. This is as an interesting a story as the one in the magazine.as … as中间的词序是as加上形容词加上a(n)加上名词再加上as,因此应改为as interesting a story as the one。

  27. The weather here is nicer than Xizang.同样的事物才能相比较,weather和Xizang不具有可比性,因此应改为The weather here is nicer than that of Xizang.

  28. You shouldn't stand too closely to him.有些副词有两种形式,一个与形容词同形,一个以形容词-ly构成,但他们有不同的含义。close靠近、挨近;closely紧密地,紧紧地

  29. I would rather take a train than went by bus.这个词组为would rather do … than do …,因此把went改为go。

  30. Is there interesting anything at the meeting?修饰anything, something, every-thing, nothing的形容词都要放在它们的后面。

  31. I never have seen such a person before.像never之类的副词在句中应放在be动词、助动词之后,实意动词之前。因为应改为I have never seen such a person before。

  32. The book is worth to be read.be worth doing 意为值得被做。因此改为The book is worth reading。

  33. It is sure that he will succeed.sure 的主语只能为人,而certain的主语可为人和物。因此把sure改为certain。

  34. He is regarded as one of the best alive writers at present.alive 为表语形容词,偶尔也做后置定语。因此把alive改为living,或把alive 放在writers后面。

  35. I don’t know that he has finished the work yet.yet 用于否定和疑问句,already用于肯定句。把yet 改为already。

  36. He said nearly nothing at the meeting.nearly 不与否定词用在同一个句子中,而almost可以。因此把nearly 改为almost。



  37. He usually goes to school by his father’s car.by加上名词表示一种交通方式,中间什么都不加,如by car, by bus, by plane等;如果名词前有其他的词修饰,则应用除by以外的其他介词,此处把by改为in。

  38. Please wait me at the school gate.wait为不及物动词,需加介词for后才能再跟名词或代词做宾语。

  39. He has been married with Betty for more than twenty years.marry不跟 with连用,应把with改为to。

  40. I finished the work on time under the help of him.“在…的帮助下”用with而不用under。


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