
英国厨师小哥挑战世界最辣面条 2分钟他聋了

Mirror2016-09-02 14:11

  英国厨师小哥挑战世界最辣面条 2分钟他聋了

  “I’m not really partial to spicy food but when somebody throws down a challenge I just can’t say no”.


  "I went temporarily deaf and my mouth was burning for hours afterwards.”


  英国厨师小哥挑战世界最辣面条 2分钟他聋了

  Ben, a full-time chef who has Indonesian parents and was visiting family in the area, paid 34 Indonesian Rupees (2p) for the plate of noodles and a fried egg.


  英国厨师小哥挑战世界最辣面条 2分钟他聋了

  Ben became so hot after eating the noodles he had to take off his shirt and hold his head under water to cool off.


  英国厨师小哥挑战世界最辣面条 2分钟他聋了

  The 22-year-old downed half-a-dozen glasses of water, milkshake and ate a cold banana but was still dizzy from the intense heat in his mouth.




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