互联网2015-12-09 11:52
5. Phantom Vibe
If you've ever imagined your phone going off in your pocket, you've experienced phantom phone vibrations. The phenomenon is incredibly common: One 2012 study revealed that 90 percent of college students experienced the non-existent vibration. Experiencing fake vibes on a routine basis mirrors a kind of compulsive behavior, and can sometimes hint at feelings of anxiety.
Reduce these uncomfortable feelings by taking some breaks from your phone: While most of us have our phones nearby for all of our waking hours, doing so is not a necessity for survival. Consider scheduling time to go off the grid and live phone free and set some boundaries for moments and spaces where devices are not welcome. Doing so will keep the ghosts out of your pants.
6. Damaged sperm
Heat from laptops may damage sperm, according to some research. Notably, in one study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, researchers found that storing sperm samples under a laptop decreased their motility, or ability to move, and led to more DNA damage -- both factors that could hurt the chances of reproduction -- than samples stored normally.
7. Pedestrian safety
Pedestrian fatalities are on the rise because too many smartphone users engage in distracted walking. While focused on the cyber world, many of us can lose reality of the physical one: Researchers say distracted walkers take more time to cross the street and are more likely to neglect traffic lights while less likely to look both ways. Elemental pedestrian safety knowledge is compromised by technology, and the risks are scary. To avoid injury or worse, put your phone away until you've reached a safe spot.
8. Overeating
It's not necessarily the phone itself that can lead to overeating, but a person's digital food porn habit. Research shows that looking at images of caloric food can incite cravings and a person's desire to eat. If you're fallen victim to this diet trap, you might consider unsubscribing to accounts that frequently post irresistible images.
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