

沪江2015-05-20 14:00

DO: Hold off on the food porn

  DO: Hold off on the food porn


  Unless you’re Jamie Oliver (2.7 million followers, and his posts actually look delicious), you shouldn’t venture down this slippery slope - uploading a blurry photo of a Nando’s butterfly chicken on your Galaxy S4, for instance, is not OK. Everyone knows what food looks like, and no one cares that you’ve just wolfed down a #kale butternut salad with artichokes - just like they don’t care that you’re currently polishing off a protein shake on the way back from the gym.

  除非你是杰米·奥利弗(英国名厨,拥有270万粉丝,其分享的食物美图看起来真的很可口),否则不要瞎掺和:比如,上传你存在手机里的Nando’s 炸鸡照是无意义的。所有人都知道食物长什么样,没人会关心你刚吃下去的冬甘蓝洋蓟沙拉,就好像没人想知道你在健身回来的路上喝了高蛋白饮料。

  Once in a blue moon, at a Michelin-starred restaurant perhaps, is excusable. Just bear in mind there are currently over 170 million food posts in Instagram - don’t add to the problem.


  Do it like: Gordon Ramsay (@gordongram, 500k followers). Grub is his livelihood yet our Gordon only rarely posts lurid close-ups of his culinary creations. What’s your excuse?

  比如这样:戈登·拉姆齐,(@ gordongram,500,000粉丝)烹饪是他的生计,但戈登只是分享少数他自创的菜肴,你有什么理由爆照呢?


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