沪江2015-06-03 14:45
Despite her disabilities, Jackie explains that really she is no different to any other cat, and finds enjoyment in many of the same activities that all four-legged felines love doing too.
'Roux likes eating, sleeping, stretching her nubs, stretching her back legs, hogging bed space, chin scratches, propping her nubs on various things like chair rungs, begging for more treats, pouncing on her sister Graybee, flinging her little mouse toy with her mouth, watching the fish tank, bird watching out the window, and giving scratchy tongue kisses on my nose,' Jackie added.
On every picture and video that Jackie posts of Roux, her followers are full of praise for the cute kitten, leaving dozens of comments in which they compliment both Roux's sweet nature, and Jackie's dedication to ensuring her cat has a good life.