
BBC: 那些我们打着灯笼都找不到的巨型动物(双语)

BBC2015-08-06 11:15朱梦琦

  Chan's megastick 陈氏大竹节虫

  While most insects can fit in the palm of your hand, there are a few giants out there. The longest in the world is a stick insect that lives in Borneo. It was named after its discoverer as Chan's megastick in 2008.


  The largest known example is over 0.5m (22") long with legs outstretched and is kept at the Natural History Museum in London, UK.


  Very little is known about the insect because in the wild it is exceptionally difficult to see. Males are brown and females mottled green, and both are long and spindly, so they are perfectly camouflaged in their rainforest home.


  To further mimic the plants around them, the eggs of the insect resemble seeds and have wing-like extensions, which are thought to help them to disperse on the wind.


  Experts believe Chan's megastick lives in the forest canopy, making it even more challenging to find. Only a handful of specimens are currently known to science.



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