
组图:鸟之国奇异羽毛大比拼 帅出新高度

国家地理2015-08-12 13:50

  A Morning Display

  A Morning Display


  A male greater bird of paradise (Paradisaea apoda) poses in the hope of attracting a female in the Aru Islands of Indonesia. This courtship display happens on treetop branches the birds have stripped of their leaves, leaving a clear space in which to put on displays in the early morning light.

  在印度尼西亚的阿鲁群岛上,一只雄性大极乐鸟(学名为Paradisaea apoda)正为吸引一只雌性大极乐鸟而大摆造型。鸟儿会将树梢上的枝叶去除,给它们的求爱舞留出空地。于是在清早的晨曦中,这场求爱秀就这么上演了。


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