世界上最贵且没用的东西Top10 你认同吗?
沪江2016-02-25 10:39
9. Most Expensive Smart Phone
Smart phone Diamond Crypto is made of platinum and pink gold. It is covered with more than 80 brilliants. There are 50 brilliants on each side of phone (including 10 blue brilliants), the navigation button is surrounded by 28 brilliants, and navigation bar itself also made of a brilliant in carat. This phone costs 1,3 million dollars so we can only hope it works properly.
这款名叫Diamond Crypto的手机是由铂金和玫瑰金做成的。上面镶嵌了超过80颗钻石。其中每侧都有超过50颗钻石(包括10颗蓝钻),导航按钮周围镶嵌着28颗钻石,导航条本身就是由一颗大钻石做成的。这部手机价值130万美金,我们只要祈祷它功能正常了。