
外媒:“史上最严重雾霾” 中国人都是神仙下凡!

财富杂志2016-12-22 14:00



  1. 真正的勇士直面雾霾

  外媒:“史上最严重雾霾” 中国人都是神仙下凡!

  外媒:“史上最严重雾霾” 中国人都是神仙下凡!

  2. 雾霾表情包上线

  外媒:“史上最严重雾霾” 中国人都是神仙下凡!

  3. 今日不适合下凡

  外媒:“史上最严重雾霾” 中国人都是神仙下凡!

  4. 记者也加入调侃的队伍

  外媒:“史上最严重雾霾” 中国人都是神仙下凡!


  In Beijing,online posters seem to be taking it in cynical stride. One Weibo user said she was listening to the local radio station when a man called and said the smog outside was so serious he couldn’t see the traffic lights. He had already driven through six red lights.


  “What I’m going to do?” he asked. The host reassured him and told him not to worry: Considering the density of the fog, traffic cameras and policemen couldn’t see him.



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