

新东方网整理2020-03-11 14:04新东方网

      2020年3月9日,意大利米兰车站,警察和士兵正在对离开米兰的乘客进行检查 图源:Antonio Calanni/AP在加强防疫措施的同时,意大利也在积极寻找外援。北京时间10日晚间,中国外交部发布消息,国务委员兼外长王毅应约同意大利外长迪马约通电话。迪马约表示,当前意大利疫情形势十分严峻,意政府正密切关注和学习中方抗疫的成功经验,采取有力举措阻止疫情扩散。意方面临医疗物资和设备短缺的困难,希中方帮助解决燃眉之急。

  Noting Italy is facing a severe epidemic situation, Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said the Italian government is paying close attention to and learning from China's successful experience in combating the virus, and is taking strong measures to contain the spread of the disease.


  China will overcome difficulties and provide Italy with medical supplies including face masks and increase exports of supplies and equipment to meet its urgent needs, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Tuesday.

  In a telephone conversation with Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio, Wang noted that China would like to send medical teams to Italy to help combat the novel coronavirus according to its needs.

  China will not forget the support from Italy when the country was at its hardest moment in the fight against the virus, Wang said, adding that China is now willing to stand firmly with the Italian people as well.


  Wang said he believes the joint battle against the virus will deepen relations between China and Italy, and enhance the friendship between the two peoples.

  China appreciates that Italy has paid high attention to the health and safety of Chinese nationals in Italy, and hopes the country will continue to offer them necessary help and assistance, he added.


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