外交部官网2020-03-12 14:32
Third, we will send medical specialists to more countries and regions in need. Our Red Cross Society has sent experts to Iran and Iraq, where they conducted intensive work and were acclaimed by local authorities and people. We are planning to send medical experts to Italy as well and stand ready to help more countries in need in this way.
Fourth, we will provide medicines and other supplies to the international community. Humanity shines through the dark cloud of the epidemic. China has decided to donate $20 million to the WHO. We've provided some countries with masks, medicines, protective suits and other supplies and exported medical supplies and equipment to those in urgent need of them. Sub-national governments and civil organizations are all extending a helping hand overseas. While fighting hard against the epidemic at home, China is ready to offer as much help as we can to countries in need.
Fifth, we will ramp up cooperation with the international community on science and technology. We would like to collaborate with other countries in medicines, vaccines and testing reagents, contributing China's wisdom and proposals to securing an early global victory over the virus.
China will contribute to the global fight in these five areas. We will work with the international community with solidarity and mutual assistance to overcome the epidemic.