
双语:Apple Watch才发布 淘宝山寨已遍布

沪江2015-03-12 09:25

  Sceptical social media users have taken the opportunity to mock the launch of Apple's new Watch with a selection of memes.

  网友们也借此机会恶搞了刚刚发布的Apple Watch。

  Following yesterday's announcement of the device's details by the company, a collection of photos depicting homemade Apple Watches slowly started to appear.

  昨天苹果公司公布Apple Watch的细节之后,一大批网友自制Apple Watch的恶搞图就出现了。

  Some people attached iPhones to their wrists with elastic bands, another simply stuck a piece of fruit to their hand and a third made their own version with a regular watch and an Apple sticker.


  Mr Cook said at the event at Yerba Buena Centre in California: 'This is the most personal device we have ever created. It's not just with you, it's on you.'





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