
Peep、peer、glimpse 分别表示哪种 “看”?

BBC2021-08-30 00:51


Peep、peer、glimpse 分别表示哪种 “看”?


动词 “peep、peer” 和 “glimpse” 都可以用来表示 “看” 的动作,但它们描述的 “看” 的方式却不同。如果想表示 “看一眼,看到事物的一部分”,应该用哪个动词?形容人 “偷看、偷瞄” 时应该用哪个动词?哪个词指 “细细端详” 或 “费力地看”?看视频中主持人 Saskia 的讲解,学习区分这三个近义词。


Hi, everyone. Welcome back to English In A Minute.

Peep, peer and glimpse are all verbs of sight that mean 'look at something', but are used in different situations.

Let's look at some examples: My friend peeped at my test answers.

This verb means 'to look at something quickly and secretively'.

I peered at the document trying to understand it.

Peer means 'to look at something intently or carefully in detail'.

It can also be used in another way.

I was peering at the clock in the distance.

This example means that I had difficulty reading the clock. Maybe the clock was very small or I have bad eyesight.

I glimpsed the sunlight through the trees.

Glimpse means 'to see something for a short time', or 'to only see part of something'.

We often use glimpse as a noun with the verb 'catch'.

For example, I caught a glimpse of Phil as he left the office.

Bye, everyone.


1. 动词 “peep” 表示 “偷看,瞄一眼”。

  • My friend peeped at my test answers.

2. 动词 “peer” 可以用来表达 “仔细看,端详”。

  • I peered at the document trying to understand it.

3. 动词 “peer” 也可以用来表达 “费力地看”。

  • I was peering at the clock in the distance.

4. 动词 “glimpse” 的意思是 “短暂地看,看一眼;瞥见,看到事物的一部分”。

  • I glimpsed the sunlight through the trees.

5. 我们可以用含有名词 “glimpse” 的搭配 “catch a glimpse” 来表达 “瞥见,看见”。

  • I caught a glimpse of Phil as he left the office.







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