

天涯小筑2015-01-09 15:11

  《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)S08E12《The Space Probe Disintegration》


  虽然Leonard和Penny不着急结婚,但还是有一个现实问题必须尽快解决:那就是Sheldon的去留问题。用制片人的话来说,「Sheldon未来的生活安排问题」。此外,给Wolowitz的母亲配音的Carol Ann Susi已经去世,剧情将以某种方式向她致敬。Sheldon和Amy的关系仍然处于慢热状态,不会有什么突飞猛进的变化,但你会看到「我爱你」这三个字不是白说的!


  With Leonard and Sheldon playing a board game, the girls want them to agree to do something they want to do. The girls feel like they always do the compromising. They turn down both horseback riding and ice skating.

  At Howard and Bernadette’s Apartment, Raj is worried about the Horizon spacecraft. It has landed and he is worried about an experiment he designed working.

  The other guys are still wondering what to do. First they talk about seeing the Philharmonic, play and finally they decide on shopping, Penny’s favorite past-time.

  Raj is getting more nervous and starts making basket shots into the waste can assuming that the space probe will operate based upon the success of his shots. He makes all of them.

  Sheldon and Leonard are sitting outside the dressing rooms. Sheldon wonders why girls make such a production about buying clothes. His mother has his sent from the Walmart in Houston. They are also unhappy that they have no cell phone service in the store. They start to play an invisible board game and end up talking about how much they compromise for each other. Also, Amy has taught Sheldon to drive, but he doesn’t want to take away Leonard’s purpose in life.

  Penny and Amy are trying on clothes. Amy also does everything Penny wants to do and if she got any other friends, she would do the same thing. Penny tells her that she is great. She is smart, has great friends, a boyfriend, but no sense of style. Penny agrees to do what Amy wants to do, and that’s basket weaving at the Crafts Festival Museum.

  Leonard and Sheldon still talking compromise. Leonard hasn’t moved in with Penny because the last time he mentioned it, Sheldon ran away. Sheldon can’t think of a life without his best friend in it. They both start to cry and Sheldon tells him that he should move out if that what he really wants to do. They agree that he should do it in stages and the two nights a week at Penny’s apartment gets reduced to once a week. Also Leonard can whistle in the apartment when Sheldon is not there.

  Howard takes Raj to a Hindu temple to get his mind off the space probe. Raj discusses religion and how people should be treated until someone hits his car with their car door. He yells at an older Indian man. In the middle of this, Howard gets a message and tells Raj that the probe is working fine. Raj calms down.

  The other guys are making baskets and Leonard doesn’t find it boring. Sheldon is not making a basket; he’s making a 16th century Chinese warrior hat.

  Finally, Leonard and Penny are celebrating their new life living together in Penny’s apartment. Sheldon sleeping on the couch calls out for them to keep the noise down.


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