

21世纪2015-01-26 14:37

  What could be more rewarding for an actor receiving favorablereviews for a performance than being laudedby the personportrayed? English physicist Stephen Hawking was moved totears while watching Eddie Redmayne portray him in thebiographical film The Theory of Everything, saying that atcertain points he thought he was watching himself.


  Playing the role of the world’s most famous living scientist has brought the 33-year-old British actorheadlines, a Golden Globe for best actor, and an Oscar nomination.Born into a well-to-do family,Redmayne went to a prestigious boarding school with Prince William, studied art history atCambridge, and won his first theater award in 2004, but the freckle-faced, red-haired actor waiteduntil The Theory of Everything for his first leading man role.


  To play a great thinker is challenging for any actor, as their subjects’ minds are hard to penetrate.Playing Hawking requires even more guts and technical skill because his every move is differentfrom ordinary people. Hawking was diagnosed with motor neuron disease at 21.


  Redmayne was thrilled and instantaneously nervous when he got the opportunity. He spent fourmonths studying Hawking’s life to immerse himself in the role. He watched every documentary hecould find on the scientist. The process was “like writing a doctoral dissertation,” according toVariety magazine.


  Redmayne met with more than 30 patients to understand how the disease affected Hawking. Theactor also worked with a choreographer, who would ask him: “What’s happening in your pelvis?Are you holding your head right?” He lost 15 pounds (6.8 kilograms) for the role and also grewlong fingernails after learning this was Hawking’s habit, although he thought they were dirty.


  All of these efforts helped Redmayne do a stellar job sketching out details in the movie. Hisperformance moved him into the acting elite. “Hawking is a role that demands miracles of anactor. And Eddie Redmayne, in a landmark performance, delivers them,” Rolling Stonecommented.


  Fans are excited to see him competing with his friend, Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch, at theOscars next month. But this actor who thrives on taking risks is already ready for the nextchallenge. In his new movie The Danish Girl, Redmayne will play a transgender painter and, in mostparts of the film, he will dress in women’s clothing. The proclaimed geek actor also longs for asuperhero role. But in order to fulfill that dream, he’ll probably need to regain the weight he lost toplay Hawking first.


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