
新闻视频:春晚吉祥物揭晓 取名“阳阳”

CNTV2015-01-29 10:47



  China Central Television's Spring Festival Gala revealed its first ever official mascot on its Sina Weiboaccount on Wednesday.

  In a post on Sina Weibo, a twitter-like microblog, CCTV Spring Festival Gala introduced Yangyangthe goat and his back story.

  According to the story, Yangyang was born in Guangzhou, Guangdong province. In Chinese,Guangzhou is also known as 羊城 (Yang Cheng), or the city of goats.

  "Yangyang is the first mascot in 33 years of history in Spring Festival Gala," CCTV Spring Galaposted.

  CCTV's annual variety show has been an integral part of Spring Festival celebrations since 1984.This year's show will air on Feb 18.

  重点解析 Key Phrases/Words

  1. mascot n. 吉祥物

  2. integral adj. 完整的,积分的,必须的

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