
畅销小说《狼图腾》登上大荧幕 首映在即(视频)

cntv2015-02-06 14:35

  Best-selling Chinese novel adapted into bigscreen






  The best-selling novel 'Wolf Totem' received wide acclaim since it was published in 2004. Althoughrights to the novel adaptation were acquired by film corporations ten years ago, the film version of'Wolf Totem' will finally meet the audience this February.

  Set in 1967, "Wolf Totem" tells the story of a student sent from the city to the Inner Mongoliansteppes. He lives with the nomads, develops a respect for freedom and nature and becomesfascinated with wolves. Both the director and lead actor, Feng Shaofeng, said the China-France co-production centered on the relationship between human and nature, and taking care of theenvironment.

  "As an actor, it was an amazing journey to me. We were always told that wolves are very savageanimals, they are wild and they eat people. But when I stayed with them during the shooting, I findwolves are incredible animals. They are hunters, but they live as a highly disciplined team," Fengsaid.

  Rumour has it that famous directors including Peter Jackson were approached at the beginning,but it was Jean-Jacques Annaud, who has made films with animals in the past, such as "TwoBrothers" and "The Bear," that finally took the chair to direct the film.

  Annaud has visited China about 10 times each year since 2009, when he took on the project. Partof the reason why the project took so long was that Mongolian wolves that had to interact withthe actors and crew had to be reared, a timeline that took three years.

  "The message that captured my heart when I read the book was the need for balance betweenhuman presence and animal presence therefore let's say industrialization and nature. I feel it was astrong, very universal message, although it was a specific place, specific time, in Mongolia, I read itas something that could have happened in France, in my country, or in America, in the sameyears, it did happen everywhere," Director Jean-Jacques Annaud said.

  "Wolf Totem" will be released in China on February 19 during the popular cinema-going period ofChinese New Year, and in France on February 25.

  重点解析 Key Phrases/Words

  1. Mongolian steppes 蒙古草原

  2. nomads n. 游牧民,流浪者,游牧生活,流浪生活

  3. savage adj. 未开化的,野蛮的,凶猛的,残忍的

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