互联网2015-02-11 11:28
现在的人们已经习惯了有手机作伴,而渐渐忽略了身边的人、事、景。“电子产品托儿所”(tech creche)应运而生,它将告诉我们怎样去享受大自然、拥抱大自然。
The trilling of mobile phones in the forest may be a thing of thepast with the introduction of what is being termed a techcreche in a national park to encourage visitors to leave theirgadgets behind and interact with nature instead.
The New Forest national park, which stretches across Hampshire, Wiltshire and Dorset and is visitedby 15 milllon people a year, has fitted the free safe to store electronic devices. People will also beencouraged to leave their car keys in the safe and arrive at the park on foot, by cycle or onpublic transport instead.
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