
娱乐英语:艾玛否认与王子热恋 每个女孩都是公主

21英语2015-02-26 14:44

  好莱坞女星艾玛·沃特森(Emma Watson)在电影《哈利·波特》系列中展露头角,兼具外在美和内在美的她不仅学历高还勤于公益,是“女神级”影星。日前,她被爆料与英国哈里王子关系暧昧,甚至传闻有望嫁入皇室,让粉丝们炸开了锅!有不少支持者表示“真棒!女神要当王妃了!”但也有人表示“第一次认为皇家配不上平民”。对此,艾玛22日凌晨在推特回应绯闻,优雅地澄清谣言,高EQ的答案令人称赞不已。这才叫女神范!全世界的麻瓜们都放心了……

  With rumors swirling that Emma Watson was dating the UK’s Prince Harry, the Harry Potter startook to Twitter to set the record straight on Feb 22, saying: “WORLD Remember that little talk wehad about not believing everything written in the media?!” It’s an obvious denial of previousreports from Woman’s Day, which alleged that Prince Harry, 30, enlisted the help of friends to sethim up with Watson. The actress went on to say: “Also... marrying a Prince not a *prerequisite forbeing a Princess.” She attached a video to her tweet titled: “All Girls Are Princesses.”

  马上学:上文中的set the record straight这个短语意为“澄清问题”。虽然粉丝乐见艾玛·沃特森和王子走到一起,并在未来成为王室一员, 但沃特森却打破了大家的幻想,高情商的她还说每个女孩都是公主。

  重点解析 Key Phrases/Words

  1. swirling v. 旋转,打旋,眩晕,盘绕 ,围绕

  2. prerequisite n/adj. 先决条件,前提,必要条件

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