
英语新闻:法国博物馆被盗 原圆明园藏品遭窃

CNTV2015-03-04 11:24





  Priceless works of art, including a replica crown of the King of Siam given to France's emperor inthe mid-19th century, have been stolen from a Chinese museum near Paris.

  French officials say 15 pieces of art were stolen from the at Fontainebleau Castle before dawn onSunday. The stolen objects were assembled in 1863 by Empress Eugenie, the wife of FrenchEmperor Napoleon III, for her Chinese museum.

  The crown was donated by the ambassadors of Siam, now Thailand, during their official visit toFrance two years earlier. The castle has announced the Chinese museum will be closed for severalmonths. And an investigation has been launched.

  The castle says the thieves broke into the well-secured museum and stole the artwork within sevenminutes.

  The last time that Fontainebleau Castle was broken into was in 1995.

  重点解析 Key Phrases/Words

  1. replica n. 复制品

  2. Siam 深红宝石

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