
英语新闻:越南男孩被风筝带上20米高空 不幸坠落身亡

普特2015-03-18 14:12

  【新闻速递】据英国《每日邮报》3月16日报道,越南一名5岁男孩日前在胡志明市(Ho Chi Minh)Dong Dieu放风筝场地与母亲卖饮料时,被巨大风筝带上20米高空后摔下,不幸身亡。

  这名男孩名叫范明达(Van Minh Dat),当时他的左腿意外被风筝线缠住,巨大风筝升空后将其带上空中。随后,风筝线断裂,范明达从20米空中摔下,受到致命伤害。



  A five-year-old boy died after being dragged into the sky by a huge kite and then fell down fromover 20 meters high in Ho Chi Ming City, Vietnam.

  The boy was playing on the playground where hundreds of kites were being flied to celebrate acoming holiday. His foot was entangled by kite threads, and it was not noticed by the adultsnearby.

  The huge kite was 18 meters wide, belonging to a local kite association. According to the membersof the association, they were trying to fly the kite when the boy suddenly came over and wasdragged into the sky by the kite.

  The boy was announced dead shortly after he was sent to the hospital.

  重点解析 Key Phrases/Words

  1. entangled adj. 卷入的,被缠住的 v. 使某人(某物/自己)缠绕,纠缠于

  2. kite threads 风筝线

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