

沪江2015-05-14 09:51阿天

  Ser Waymar Royce was the youngest son of an ancient house with too many heirs. He was a handsome youth of eighteen, grey-eyed and graceful and slender as a knife.Mounted on his huge black destrier, the knight towered above Will and Gared on their smaller garrons. He wore black leather boots, black woolen pants, black moleskingloves, and a fine supple coat of gleaming black ringmail over layers of black wool and boiled leather. Ser Waymar had been a Sworn Brother of the Night’s Watch for less than half a year, but no one could say he had not prepared for his vocation. At least insofar as his wardrobe was concerned.


  ancient 古老的,存在很久的事物或先民。在欧美社会这个词常用来指代他们文化的发源——希腊和罗马(very old, or having existed for a long time , especially classical Greece or Rome)

  heir 继承人(someone has the right to inherit a person's money, property, or title when that person dies)

  slender 表示瘦,不过是比较健康优雅的瘦,体型很健康稍微有一点偏瘦。比较各种“瘦”:

  slim 表示苗条,也是比较好的一词。

  thin 是我们最先学到的表示瘦的词,这个词本来是比较中性的,但是由于和fat 相对, 所以也有人觉得不礼貌了。

  skinny 则是瘦得皮包骨头。skin皮肤,后文遇到个skin 则是动词,指剥皮。

  mount 加上ain 就成了mountain。这里的mount 是动词性质的,指骑上高头大马----想象一下爬上马背的样子。

  destrier 指优良的战马。它不是马的品种而是等级。 古代战马不是仅仅要求速度快,还要有长途奔袭的耐力,而且身材高(制高点)重心稳(以免人仰马翻),体型还不能大(目标小)。 一般骑士的坐骑是rouncey, 更好的称为courser, 而destrier则是最好的战马。一匹destrier 的价钱可值七匹courser。另外courser再加一个字母a 就成了coursera,是目前顶尖的免费教育平台。course (课程) + era(纪元)

  tower 多为名词,但在这里用作动词,表示(比周围人)高出。

  garron 马的一个品种,是一种小矮马。

  wore wear 的过去式,过去分词worn。


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